The eSync Network Tokenomics Evolution

A Look Into the Tokenomics Transformation of the eSync Network

eSync Network
3 min readMar 19, 2024

The revamped tokenomics structure of the eSync Network is set to enhance operational efficiency and performance.

This updated approach will precisely control the coin supply and bolster overall network efficiency, thereby promising a sustainable future for the eSync Network. In other words, the tokenomics structure that guides the ECS's minting, distributing, and burning will be fine-tuned.

Let’s explore the details of the eSync Network's tokenomics evolution.

Detailed Post-Burn eSync Tokenomics Transformation

Initially, the eSync Network tokenomics structure was dictated by the Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus mechanism. However, with the ongoing evolution of the chain, the original tokenomics is being restructured, and this will affect how tokens are minted, distributed, and, most importantly, burned.

The ECS Burn

The eCredits coin will undergo a substantial modification that will affect the overall ecosystem's economic model. The considerable reduction in ECS supply will have advantages far surpassing its costs.

Burn Highlights:

• Total Current Supply is ECS

• 1.88 billion ECS will be burnt from the circulating supply.

• 42 billion of ACT Swap funds will be burned.

• 8.6 billion from SCE Funds Will be burned.

Benefits of Token Burning

Without the burn mechanism to remove tokens from circulation, new tokens rewarded for mining, staking, or participating in the network could lead to inflation, thereby decreasing the token's value. Token burning acts as a counterbalance to this issuance, helping to control inflation and maintain the token's purchasing power. Burning can also help regulate the network's economy, ensuring the token’s utility beyond just a medium of exchange or store of value.

It's important to understand that burning tokens isn't a guaranteed ticket to skyrocketing token prices; rather, it is a strategic tool to fortify a Blockchain ecosystem’s efficiency. By reducing the overall token supply, burning can help mitigate inflation and promote a healthier, more stable economic environment.

Get a 360 view of the eSync Network’s mechanics by exploring the eSync Network Whitepaper.

Comparative Analysis and Case Study

This section will focus on Ethereum, Binance Coin, and Chainlink, with the goal of showcasing projects that experienced significant growth in their tokenomics post-token burn, similar to the eSync Network’s current trajectory.

Ethereum (ETH): In 2021, Ethereum implemented a token burn mechanism through the Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1559 upgrade to regulate gas fees. Prior to the EIP 1559 upgrade, Ethereum users had to estimate the fees they needed to pay to have their transactions included in the blockchain. This led to significant volatility in Ethereum gas fees, particularly during times of high network traffic. Drawing inspiration from Ethereum's strategic approach, eSync Network's token burn can similarly contribute to a healthier, stable ecosystem.

Binance Coin (BNB): Binance continues to create scarcity for its coin by systematically reducing the total supply of BNB in the market, further driving up the token's value. Similarly, eSync Network's decision to burn tokens could enhance its tokens' scarcity and perceived value, potentially leading to increased investor interest and a higher token price, mirroring BNB's success.

Chainlink (LINK): Although not engaging in direct token burns, Chainlink effectively reduces its circulating supply through the utilization of tokens for network services. This model highlights the utility-driven value of tokens within their respective ecosystems. For eSync Network, burning tokens as part of its restructuring could reduce supply and emphasize the token's utility and importance within its ecosystem, encouraging growth and utility appreciation similar to Chainlink.

How do these projects' journeys connect with the eSync Network?

The success stories of Ethereum, Binance Coin, and Chainlink after implementing token burning or similar mechanisms highlight a promising trajectory for eSync Network as it embarks on its own token burn initiative. eSync Network is setting the stage for potential growth as it embarks on a mission to enhance its token's scarcity, utility, and overall market appeal through the token burn.

The Future of eSync Tokenomics

As financial technology continues to progress, the eSync Network economic model will also experience changes, presenting avenues for innovation and growth. Future developments could include more sophisticated staking models, dynamic fee structures, and enhanced governance mechanisms. By aligning tokenomics with the network's goals and the needs of its community, eSync Network has positioned itself for long-term viability.

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eSync Network

Layer 1 blockchain for tokenizing real-world use cases(RWUs). We strive to create equal opportunities by tokenizing wealth and making it accessible to millions.